
RegistryUI Documentation


Using Your Own PostgreSQL Server

RegistryUI includes a prebuilt PostgreSQL Server image, running as the registryuisql container (default name).

It is possible to use your own PostgreSQL Server if your requirements exceed the features offered by the default container or if you wish to integrate the database used by RegistryUI with your own servers.

Replacing RegistryUI's PostgreSQL Server is a simple process.

Changing PostgreSQL Connection String

The registryuiweb container (default name) has two environment variables which can be replaced with your own connection string information.

    - SQLCONNECT=Host=registryuisql;Port=5432;Username=postgres;Password=Myfavoritepassword123;Database=registryuidata
    - SQLSCHEMA=public

The database (registryuidata in the above connection string) must be manually created, but is automatically initialized when RegistryUI starts up.

Remove registryuisql Container

With your own PostgreSQL Server, the registryuisql container (default name) is no longer required and can be removed entirely.

The depends_on directive in the registryuiweb container definition can then also be removed:

    - registryuisql