
RegistryUI Documentation



/udr/v1api/taginfoGETReturns information about a named tag.

Access to the repository and tag depends on the user's permissions in RegistryUI. Anonymous users only have access to this API if the API has been defined as a Public API (see Registry > Settings, Public tab in your instance of RegistryUI).


Basic Authorization header required for access to tags in private repositories. Anonymous users only have access to this API and tag information in public repositories if the API has been defined as a Public API (see Registry > Settings, Public tab in your instance of RegistryUI).

Query String Arguments

repositorystringDefines the full path of the repository for which tag information is retrieved.
tagNamestringDefines the name of the tag for which tag information is retrieved.


A JSON object is returned. If an error occurs, the "error" field will contain a descriptive error message (see Standard API Response).

dataTagEntry (see below)Describes the tag.

Tag Entry

Each tag entry describes one tag.

Only the fields listed here are officially supported at this time and only these should be used. All other fields are used internally by RegistryUI and may change in future releases.

repositoryNamestringThe complete path of the repository within the Docker Registry.
tagNamestringThe tag name.
lastUpdateddate/time (UTC)Contains the date/time the tag was updated.
lastUpdatedBystringContains the user name of the user that last updated the tag.
detailsContains the tag details as returned by the Docker Registry API.
pushCountintegerThe number of times this tag was pushed.
pullCountintegerThe number of times this tag was pulled.
pullCommandstringThe Docker command used to pull the image tag.
pushCommandstringThe Docker command used to push the image tag.


curl -u username:usertoken -d "" https://registry.yoursite.com/udr/v1api/taginfo?repository=alpine&tagname=latest

    "error": null,
    "data": {
        "id": 1006,
        "repositoryName": "alpine",
        "tagName": "latest",
        "tenantId": 1,
        "available": true,
        "lastUpdated": "2020-02-11T17:55:34.9026996",
        "lastUpdatedBy": "build",
        "lastUpdatedById": 1005,
        "details": {
            "digest": "sha256:ddba4d27a7ffc3f86dd6c2f92041af252a1f23a8e742c90e6e1297bfa1bc0c45",
            "size": 2804468,
            "architecture": "amd64",
            "layers": [
                    "id": "24004a7f7fd8020250863903ff6244092a20cef4215eb97c8fe738a564c9e956",
                    "config": {
                        "cmd": [
                        "env": [
                        "workingDir": "",
                        "entryPoint": null
                    "containerConfig": {
                        "cmd": [
                            "#(nop) ",
                            "CMD [\"/bin/sh\"]"
                        "env": [
                        "workingDir": "",
                        "entryPoint": null
                    "created": "2020-01-18T01:19:37.1874976Z",
                    "docker_Version": "18.06.1-ce",
                    "os": "linux",
                    "parent": "2ff09547bf97be635cf104ec0ff3033b8c103a04e01a3d2e1f84f07dfb5cd80c",
                    "size": 32
                    "id": "2ff09547bf97be635cf104ec0ff3033b8c103a04e01a3d2e1f84f07dfb5cd80c",
                    "config": null,
                    "containerConfig": {
                        "cmd": [
                            "/bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:e69d441d729412d24675dcd33e04580885df99981cec43de8c9b24015313ff8e in / "
                        "env": null,
                        "workingDir": null,
                        "entryPoint": null
                    "created": "2020-01-18T01:19:37.0267398Z",
                    "docker_Version": null,
                    "os": null,
                    "parent": null,
                    "size": 2802957
        "pullCount": 0,
        "pushCount": 1,
        "size": 2804468,
        "os": "amd64",
        "digest": "sha256:ddba4d27a7ffc3f86dd6c2f92041af252a1f23a8e742c90e6e1297bfa1bc0c45",
        "created": "2020-02-08T12:24:50.6264158",
        "updated": "2020-02-11T17:56:32.3011334",
        "deletingUser": 0,
        "pullCommand": "docker pull demo.registryui.com/alpine:latest",
        "pushCommand": "docker push demo.registryui.com/alpine:latest"