
RegistryUI Documentation



RegistryUI settings can only be managed by an administrator.

The Registry > Settings page is used to define the RegistryUI account information and configure RegistryUI.


The following tabs are available to configure various options within RegistryUI:

Account TabDefines the RegistryUI account key/token.
Public TabDefines whether the registry is a public registry with public repositories.
Maintenance TabUsed to take the registry offline and update the search keywords database.
Garbage Collection TabUsed to define and run garbage collection of the Docker Registry.
Logo TabDefines a logo displayed in the top/left corner of the RegistryUI website.
Docker TabDefines the Docker environment so RegistryUI can communicate with the Docker Registry to remove tags and perform garbage collection.
Diagnostics TabUsed for specialized task, typically only used in conjunction with RegistryUI's Product Support.